Monday, January 19, 2009

At Least It's Not Lead

We apologize for the consecutive Joe Flacco posts, but after searching for more instances of the Unifrown, we found a picture of a Joe Flacco action figure, which pays very close attention to detail.

Unless we're just imagining things, it looks like the toy manufacturer made sure to include a thick and bushy unibrow on the Flacco figurine, ala a certain Sesame Street character whose action figure bears a striking resemblance to the Ravens quarterback.

We know Flacco has sort of embraced the unibrow look, if only for lack of a better idea, but when it starts showing up on your action figure and, as Kissing Suzy Kolber finds, other places, it might be time for a pluck.

We hate to kick a guy when he's down, mere hours after Flacco and the Ravens took a third beating from the Steelers this season, but since he won't be relevant for a few months, we figured we'd better get it out there.


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