It took over a year after our gentle call-to-arms, but we'll take credit for it anyway. That's right, our friends over at The Bucky Channel have finally joined twitter! Here's what we said on April 18, 2009:
Be sure to leave a comment urging The Bucky Channel to join twitter. Here's what they said last month about the social networking craze:
Twitter sucks so much, it's a stupid trend that is pointless and stupid and doesn't contribute anything beneficial to society and is a waste of time and will fade out within six months and is not worth the trouble to either update or check out people's Twitters. How people are making money off of something so stupid blows my brains and now I must move on before I quit doing The Bucky Channel right this very moment, that is how much I hate Twitter.Yes, they have finally caved. And yes, we just quoted a quote. You can follow them @thebuckychannel. And of course, you can follow Stock Lemon @stocklemon.
Be sure to follow both sites for more analysis of the 2010 World Cup.
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