It was way to close for comfort, but in the end the Wizards and Bobcats pulled out a miracle cover, going over 196 points by one point in a crazy finish that gives us our fourth straight Free NBA Pick win.
Things were looking bleak with 35 seconds remaining when the Bobcats led 90-84 for a total of just 174 points. From there, however, the Wizards perfectly executed the foul and chase, and the two teams combined to score 24 points in 35 seconds. The Bobcats won the game 100-97 after Matt Carroll hit a free throw to give us the cover. Indeed, the NBA is where amazing happens.
Speaking of amazing, the win gives our Free NBA Picks an overall record of 26-10 on the year, which is over 72%. The Picks are also 12-1 in the last 13, including the aforementioned current four game streak.
While we might have had a little bit of luck on our side tonight, there's no question that these Free NBA Picks are on absolute fire, so keep checking back and we will keep rewarding you for doing so with our picks. For free.

It might be hard to read, but pictured above is the play-by-play from the last 35 seconds of this miracle cover. The bold indicates a score.
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