This happened the other night, and we want to make sure that if it does happen again, you won't miss out.
Our solution? Aside from continuing to badger you about bookmarking our site on your personal computer or even setting us as your homepage, we're once again here to promote using an RSS feed to keep tabs on Lemmy.
By clicking on the Feedburner link just below our e-mail address on the right hand side of the page, you can set up a Stock Lemon RSS feed through any popular site, such as Google or Yahoo, ensuring that you receive the latest picks at the moment that we post them. (At least somebody subscribe to a feed, so we don't have to keep staring at "0 Readers").
Additionally, you can now subscribe via e-mail, per request.
Hopefully these new additions to Lemmy's Updates will help you follow us in a more timely fashion.
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