Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Tulane Gives Us Win Number Two For The Day

After Air Force took care of Colorado State earlier today, we were left with two more conference tournament plays on our card today, and went 1-1. 

Unspectacular as that may be, it gives us a 2-1 winning day, which we'll gladly take. 

Tulane beat East Carolina 69-59 to cover a -3 spread and give us our second win of the day, making it five of the last seven for our Free NCAA Basketball Picks

As a commentor so kindly pointed out (rubbed in), our brand new feed via FeedReader boasted a total of zero readers thus far, so we'll just go ahead and assume that everyone has Stock Lemon set as their home page. 

If not, make sure to add us to your feed by checking out the Updates From Lemmy section on the right hand side of the page. As you'll see, to save ourselves embarrassment, we've changed the FeedReader so that it no longer displays the amount of readers that follow us through that method. We'll wait until more people add us to their RSS before throwing that back up again.


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