It's a curious relationship between our sites as we are both simply trying to provide our readers with more content that we feel they would be interested in reading. The reason we have this kind of relationship with them is because, honestly, they were some of the first people to help us out when we were new to the blogging game, and we did the same for them. And neither of us has forgotten it.
So, as you wipe those sentimental tears away, we're proud to say that we have played a small part in what is becoming The Bucky Channel 2.0. Regular Bucky Channel readers will notice a change in layout, and that change will come with a whole new staff of writers joining the team.
And we are one of them... kind of.
As we have done in the past, we'll be providing content through a semi-regular, semi-forgotten about feature called The Lemmy Channel, in which we look into interesting tidbits relating to their home town teams up in Wisconsin. We'll look at different betting trends as they pertain to the Green Bay Packers, Wisconsin Badgers, Milwaukee Bucks and Milwaukee Brewers (and maybe even the Milwaukee Iron of the Arena Football League) to cater to their readership.
We'll post tidbits about our analysis here, with the main content gracing the pages of The Bucky Channel 2.0.
So welcome, Wisconsinites, for those of you who didn't make it over for the first few installments of The Lemmy Channel. Please bring your finest beers and cheeses to Stock Lemon (or donate some cash to us using the Paypal icon on the left, so that we can purchase our own!).
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